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Adresse: Adresse
08770 Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, Espagne
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Réseaux Sociaux:
Directeur: Jaume Mata Garcia
Relations publiques: Josep Maria
Président: Ton Mata & Xavier Nadal
Zone de responsabilité: Catalunya
Region, Territoire, Zone: The parameters, factors and elements on which the delimitation work is based are the following: Strictly physical territorial and environmental variables (topography, land elevations, slopes of the hills – orientation, geomorphology, lithology, soil or climate), factors related to human presence on the territory (historical, cultural, social, economic, access, etc. overall territory settlement and urbanization of said territory) and finally aspects which are purely of a oenological, viticulture, wine making or agricultural nature (varieties, adaptation to the environment, relationship with the soil, etc.)

Our name comprises two concepts: COR, the cradle where, more than 130 years ago, the very first sparkling wines in Spain were made and PINNAT which stems from the etymological root Pinnae which refers to the origin of the word Penedés, documented in the 10th Century as Penetense. This Latin adjective is derived from pinna, which means crag or rock and which applied to the Penedés is equivalent to rocky soil.
All sparkling wines that are sold in the market with this seal of excellence contain the brands COPINNAT located in a central position on their front label in order for consumers to identify the product easily.
CORPINNAT est une marque collective de l'Union européenne établie dans le but de distinguer de grands vins mousseux élaborés au cœur du Penedès à partir de raisins 100 % biologiques récoltés à la main et entièrement vinifiés dans les locaux de la cave.
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Les établissements vinicoles suivants font partie de cette association:

Recaredo Producteur Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
Can Descregut, S.L. Producteur Vilobí del Penedés
Celler Pardas Producteur Torrelavit
Gramona, S.A Producteur Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
Huguet de Can Feixes S.L. Producteur Cabrera d'Anoia
Julia Bernet SCP Producteur El PAgo-Subirats
Llopart Cava S.A. Producteur Subirats
Mas Candi Producteur Les Gunyoles
Nadal Producteur Torrelavit (Barcelona)
Sabaté i Coca, SA Producteur Subirats (Barcelona)
Torelló Viticultors Producteur Sant Sadurní d'Anoia


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